Humans are busy. With lifestyles that seem increasingly hectic, most people find it challenging to make time for healthy eating. As a result, many are lacking in vitamins necessary to maintain essential functions and fuel the body at its peak level. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture rates the diet of the average American a 59%. According to, busy people face nutritional challenges that include failure to plan healthy meals, temptation to skip meals, and a tendency to eat unhealthy fast foods.

To help turn this around, the following suggestions make up the busy human’s guide to proper nutrition on the go.

Prioritize Breakfast

The busy lifestyle starts in the morning, with rushing around to get ready for work and school that often bumps breakfast out of the picture. Conventional wisdom says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so be sure to make it a priority.

Make Shakes

A breakfast smoothie is a quick and delicious way to pack in some quick nutrients without giving up valuable time. Prepare your ingredients ahead of time in a container or in the blender itself sitting in the refrigerator so you can do a fast blend-and-go in the morning and drink your breakfast in the car.

Keep it Simple

Greek yogurt, overnight oats, or a simple breakfast of peanut butter toast and banana are all easy options that can be prepared quickly or ahead of time. These breakfast foods are packed with nutrients to get your day off on the right foot.

Plan Meals in Advance

The story is a common one. You come home from work, tired and stressed, and face the challenge of assembling the random assortment of ingredients into something your family will eat. The ending is usually the same: someone runs out to the nearest fast-food restaurant and grabs a quick, cheap, and likely unhealthy meal. A bit of advance planning helps to avoid this. Use a basic calendar to outline the meals you will cook during the week and ensure you have what you need for each meal before the work week begins.

Drink Water

Busy humans seem to live on caffeine, with many choosing to drink multiple servings of coffee or soft drinks to keep their energy up. However, water is a much better choice for maintaining nutrition, as it helps to flush the toxins from the body and can often trick you into feeling full. A portable water bottle enables busy people to stay hydrated with quick and easy fill-ups throughout the day.

Practice Investment Cooking

Investment cooking is a huge time saver. With a little bit of planning ahead, you can prep and cook once and then eat multiple meals from your efforts. If you cook chicken breasts and eat them for dinner with some cooked vegetables on Monday night, you can dice up the leftover chicken and add it to a salad. Additional leftovers can be shredded and served in chicken tacos. Cooking once for a series of meals helps to save time on food shopping, preparation, cooking and clean-up.

Pre-pack Meal Portions

Busy mornings are the enemy of mindful eating. When you are running around busy in the early part of the day, you often throw together pre-packaged foods, which are generally less healthy than whole foods. Even worse, you may skip packing your food altogether, and feed your hunger in an unhealthy fast food joint. Make your mornings easier by pre-packing snacks and lunch. Include healthy options such as dried fruits, nuts, and trail mix for snacks and salads, wraps, or soups for lunches.

Supplement Your Meals

When you fail to consume the recommended daily servings of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods, you sacrifice crucial nutrients. Ensure your nutritional intake meets the daily recommended allowance of vitamins and minerals with supplements.

All of us need proper nutrition to thrive. Don’t let your busy human schedule keep you from achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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