The coronavirus crisis has shocked the world. Governments, businesses, and individual citizens are still struggling to combat the virus and conduct normal operations and life. Now, data centre operations have become very important.

There have been more than 73 million Covid-19 cases and over 1.6 million deaths globally.  With millions of people around the globe staying home, internet requirements are shifting and growing, and data centre operations need to accommodate these changes. Let’s look at the ways and methods data centres are using to serve and help communities in handling the crisis.

Increase in Work from Home

Most companies have advised their staff to work from home which means millions of consumers are today streaming services, accessing social media, and performing other web tasks from home. This rise in internet traffic has created more demand and need for data centre operations.

Role of Data Centres: Managing Increased Internet Traffic

Data centres are used to handling periodic spikes in internet traffic. For example, during events such as the Olympics, traffic increases are massive and data centre operations are able to manage them without much difficulty. However, today, people are using the internet for just about everything – supplies, entertainment, information, and more – and the onus is on data centres to provide stable and fast connections. Data centres and web service vendors are prepared to deliver this facility to users.

Collaborative Solutions for Companies

Besides internet traffic, employees working remotely are using services like teleconferencing and cloud storage. Data centres have to cater to this increase in demand for web software solutions and enable companies to offer these tools and facilities to their remote workforce.

For example, in China, the use of the Microsoft Teams collaborative software solution has increased by 500%. Some internet providers are offering their services and tools to enterprises for free. Collaboration has been driving cloud growth for many years and the increased use of these applications means data centre operations now need to support a fast-expanding cloud. This migration has been an expected one and the pandemic crisis has only accelerated the growth rate. 

Support for Emergency Services

Across the world, health care professionals and services are striving hard to manage the virus outbreak. Effective emergency services need reliable and fast communication and data centre companies are bolstering this communication.

There are many tech companies that are empowering medical staff to use web tools such as cloud telecommunication solutions leveraging AI to also offer translation services in real time. A necessity in today’s time for facilitating such functions, reliable data centre operations have become integral in the health care sector to respond quickly and efficiently to the pandemic crisis.

Handling Data Security

Besides facilitating stable web connections, data centres also must implement stringent security measures for enabling protection and security to sensitive data. For instance, a large data centre company in Hawaii is collaborating with third party vendors to keep its operations ready for any developments. This readiness plan includes security backups, and the firm is prepared with the needed tools to manage any new threats that may arise with the increase in traffic.

As businesses transition to the cloud, focus on data security will be emphasized. Businesses need to protect their confidential data and cloud providers and data centres are delivering the required robust security, including physical and technological security features as needed.

Role of Data Centres in Managing Emergencies

Data centres need to play a major role in today’s digital age as the internet is important for almost all industries. Leading data centre providers like STT GDC India are meeting the challenge head-on and are delivering the needed services to combat the pandemic.

Data centers have facilitated online commerce and meetings, making the role of an advanced digital infrastructure more valuable than ever before. Amidst the pandemic, data centers, undoubtedly have kept digital businesses operational while supporting business growth.

Besides, data centres are helping businesses and individual citizens effectively manage the outbreak. They are serving a key function in aiding survival in these tough times and are ready to play a vital role again in any future crises too.

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